Collections For All

Natural Science Collections

About us

Collections for All: natural science collections is a collaborative space:

  • for qualitative informal learning between natural science curators, educators, researchers, medical professionals etc. via forums, information and knowledge exchange
  • to share good practice and expertise via toolkit blogs on appropriate subjects (collection care, handling objects etc.) for non-science and generalist curators in order to support the use and maintenance of UK natural science collections.

The museums and organisations currently working together to either shape this space and/or share expertise and knowledge are: Arts Council England, Birmingham Museums Trust, Collections Trust, Geological Curators Group, Grant Museum of Zoology, UCL, Horniman Museum and Gardens, Hunterian Museum at Royal College of Surgeons, London, Leeds Museums and Galleries, Manchester Museum, Museum of London, National Museum Directors Council, Natural History Museum, Natural History Museum Tring, National Museum of Wales, Natural Science Collections Association (NatSCA), Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Tate, London, and Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle.  This list will be added to as the space grows and you find details of all of the organisations in Connections.

This space at the moment is a seed and will grow throughout the year.  If there are areas or subjects you would like to see covered or you would like to get involved with knowledge sharing please contact Julie Reynolds, Collections for All, coordinator via

Concept and development of Collections for All: natural science collections 

With thanks to the following for their time, support, advice, expertise and funding:

  • UK Collections Connections internal Natural History Museum group, UK organisations and museums (mentioned above and in listed in Connections) for the development and concept of Collections for All webspace and knowledge exchange workshops.
  • All of the members of the Editorial and Advisory Groups for development of blog guidelines, editorial time and advice on content.
  • Arts Council England for funding support and advice.
  • To all the representatives from the organisations and museums who have worked together to share expertise in Collections for All workshops. 

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith